Projects - Polyurethane Roof Coating | Lotus Cars

Polyurethane Roof Coating | Lotus Cars

Lotus Polyurethane Roof Coating

A 1,100sqm felt flat roof at Lotus Cars was in need of refurbishment and required several repairs prior to the application of a polyurethane roof coating.

Polyurethane Roof Coating Process

We employ a simple but thorough flat roof coating process:

  • First, we start with high-pressure cleaning to remove any vegetation
  • Then we make any repairs by removing damaged materials and replacing with new
  • Finally we apply the single pack, cold applied, flexible polyurethane roof coating.

Liquid Roof Waterproofing System

For this roof we used Tor Coatings Elastaseal Z 25-year system. Elastaseal Z delivers a fast application on existing roofs with weathered, worn or damaged substrates. It has zero odour, which offers a safer, more user-friendly experience for sites where fumes can be hazardous. It’s ideal for roof refurbishment projects and is particularly beneficial as a long-term solution to commercial buildings with leaking flat roofs.

25 Year Warranty

By using the Elastaseal Z 25-year system, the roof now has a 25-year warranty and peace of mind knowing the factory roof is watertight.


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