Projects - Interior Paint Spraying and Floor Coating | Gravity Norwich

Interior Paint Spraying and Floor Coating | Gravity Norwich

Interior Paint Spraying and Floor Coating

GRAVITY® Trampoline Parks are a new way for people of all ages to enjoy exercise or to just have fun on interconnected wall-to-wall trampolines. With parks already located in Maidstone and Yorkshire, the third park to open was at the Riverside Leisure complex in Norwich.

Originally a former nightclub, the building required total renovation, and we were brought in to complete all the internal decoration works within a 9-week turnaround. With a number of other trades to work around, we worked through the night and at weekends to ensure the tight deadlines were always met.

What was Involved?

A variety of onsite spraying was carried out, including:

2,500sqm ceiling spraying
1,200sqm floor prep and spray
2,000sqm internal spraying
Sprayed doors and lift


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