Projects - Cladding Spraying | Starmaker

Cladding Spraying | Starmaker

Industrial Unit Building Painting

An exterior cladding painting job completed at Starmaker Welding Supplies in Waterbeach (nr Cambridge). The original plastisol coating was heavily delaminated, exposing the bare aluminium cladding underneath.

We carried out a complete transformation of the cladding:

  • Surface prepared by removing and making good the delaminated coating.
  • Thorough cleaning and degreasing using Rustoleum ND14.
  • Applied Rustoleum Noxyde and Metal Cladding Topcoat system
  • All complete with 10 year guarantee.

The buildings finish colour is RAL 8004, chosen by the owners of Starmaker Welding, Gary & June Coe.

industrial painting
Industrial Unit Building Painting

Free On Site Survey Prior to Cladding Painting

We want to make the quotation process as easy as possible, but we also want to ensure that we provide you with an accurate cost for your project – that’s why we’ll always visit the site before providing you with a cost.

Choice of Colours and Finishes

Cladspray are able to apply any colour to exterior cladding to meet any corporate colour schemes – including metallic colours and finishes. We also offer colour advice if you wish to consider a colour scheme for your cladding and trim.

Cladding Repairs

Our expert cladding painting teams are also able to repair scratches, dents and other damages and match in the existing cladding colours. We offer on site cladding repair work in addition to our cladding spraying service. We are even able to replace entire cladding panels in extreme cases of extensive damage.

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