Projects - Barn Painting | Farm Building

Barn Painting | Farm Building

When using spray applied high-performance coatings, farm building painting can extend the life of agriculture structures for years to come.

This barn in Essex had exterior timber cladding, along with corrugated metal roof sheets. The existing coatings were looking tired and starting to fail, needing preparation and re-coating.

Agricultural Building Cladding

The timber cladding was sanded to remove all loose and flaking coatings and take the surface back to a firm, sound edge. Any rotten or damaged timber panels were replaced with new timber. Once all preparation was completed, we applied a solvent based, opaque wood finish to all the timber cladding, by a mix of brush, roller and spray application.

Agricultural Building Roof Repairs

We cleaned off any dust and debris, then pressure washed the metal roof to remove all loose flaking paint and contamination. Any corrosion on the metal roof was treated and spot primed with an anticorrosive primer. The roof sheets then received a spray applied, high-performance cladding coating, in same colour and finish as the wood finish.

Benefits of Farm Building Roof Repairs

  • Extends the life of agricultural buildings.
  • Much more cost effective than replacement.
  • Corrosion resistant protective coatings.
  • Full warranties available.

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